We all have an inner dialog...
A little voice (Ego) that talks to us from morning til night... each and every day... critiquing our appearance, our interactions with others and what's working and NOT working in our lives.
(It's that inner dialog in your head that, right now, may be saying "What inner voice? I don't have an inner voice." Yes... that one.)
Depending on what your inner voice tells you on a day-to-day basis, it can be a powerful force that EMPOWERS you to achieve big wins in your personal life, career or business...
Or, if your inner voice is extremely self-critical, it can seriously BLOCK you from getting where you want to go.
The interesting thing is, even though your inner voice is inside your own head, it's usually programmed by forces outside of you...
From messages you absorbed (and are constantly absorbing) from your friends, families, the media and society without even realizing it...
Messages that often tell you that you need to do more, be more, strive more in order to be accepted.
But Here's The Thing:
Instead of letting your inner voice run unconsciously and unchecked, just like an annoying relative that doesn't have anything nice to say to you...
Try tuning in and getting present to the conversation that it's having with you, in particular around your health, money and success!
Journaling, even if it's just jotting down a few notes, is a great way to do this.
What is you inner voice telling you? Is it unrelentingly critical? Or does it give you the same love, support and encouragement that a best friend would?
If you take the time to tune in and you realize your inner voice is mostly dis-empowering, here's a simple trick to re-programming it to support you in your goals instead of getting in your way...
Create an affirmation, and use your affirmations any time you realize your inner voice is saying something dis-empowering to you.
If you notice that you have a persistent negative conversation about weight loss for example, a great affirmation to say to yourself out loud to counterbalance this would be:
I am in perfect health, filled with tremendous energy.
Here's another great one:
My body is a temple, I supply it with the most nutritious foods available.
Whatever affirmation you choose, say it to yourself anytime you realize you're having a negative internal conversation with yourself - and you'll soon begin re-programing your inner dialog to support you in attracting greater abundance, happiness and success!
Whenever stating an affirmation, make sure it is stated in the present tense.
A little voice (Ego) that talks to us from morning til night... each and every day... critiquing our appearance, our interactions with others and what's working and NOT working in our lives.
(It's that inner dialog in your head that, right now, may be saying "What inner voice? I don't have an inner voice." Yes... that one.)
Depending on what your inner voice tells you on a day-to-day basis, it can be a powerful force that EMPOWERS you to achieve big wins in your personal life, career or business...
Or, if your inner voice is extremely self-critical, it can seriously BLOCK you from getting where you want to go.
The interesting thing is, even though your inner voice is inside your own head, it's usually programmed by forces outside of you...
From messages you absorbed (and are constantly absorbing) from your friends, families, the media and society without even realizing it...
Messages that often tell you that you need to do more, be more, strive more in order to be accepted.
But Here's The Thing:
Instead of letting your inner voice run unconsciously and unchecked, just like an annoying relative that doesn't have anything nice to say to you...
Try tuning in and getting present to the conversation that it's having with you, in particular around your health, money and success!
Journaling, even if it's just jotting down a few notes, is a great way to do this.
What is you inner voice telling you? Is it unrelentingly critical? Or does it give you the same love, support and encouragement that a best friend would?
If you take the time to tune in and you realize your inner voice is mostly dis-empowering, here's a simple trick to re-programming it to support you in your goals instead of getting in your way...
Create an affirmation, and use your affirmations any time you realize your inner voice is saying something dis-empowering to you.
If you notice that you have a persistent negative conversation about weight loss for example, a great affirmation to say to yourself out loud to counterbalance this would be:
I am in perfect health, filled with tremendous energy.
Here's another great one:
My body is a temple, I supply it with the most nutritious foods available.
Whatever affirmation you choose, say it to yourself anytime you realize you're having a negative internal conversation with yourself - and you'll soon begin re-programing your inner dialog to support you in attracting greater abundance, happiness and success!
Whenever stating an affirmation, make sure it is stated in the present tense.