I'm craving chocolate so bad I could eat a mountain of it. Have you ever had cravings like this? What I have discovered is that most of the time these intense cravings are due to a lack of a certain nutrient that our body need. In response to the need our body prompts us to foods that we like that contains these nutrients. These foods we like might not be the best chose for obtaining the nutrients. Magnesium is one of the most common nutrient deficiency in the US, and chocolate is high in magnesium, which is why chocolate is such a common craving.
The next time you are craving a certain type of food, ask yourself, what do I really need for my body? Below is a small example of some food cravings and the healthier options to fill the need.
The next time you are craving a certain type of food, ask yourself, what do I really need for my body? Below is a small example of some food cravings and the healthier options to fill the need.